Thursday, August 30, 2007


Lately my writing has been like Tom and Becky Thatcher in the caves on the far side of the Mississippi w/the candle burned to its last. It's been thrilling and rather romantic.

I would say that my entire conception of romance can be traced to Tom Saywer and Stranger in a Strange Land. I believe my first spontaneous boner came during a scene when Mike from Mars is seducing some chick by the poolside and he says, "We Grok together."

My cock, as it became a rock, really did grok.

Glad you survived your own spelunking there, as the medical professionals made their way into your "Heart of Darkness", if you will...hopefully they didn't find a bloated white turd who held sway over a village in a backwater bend of your intestines. A turd who had become almost a god to the superstitious natives...who, when he saw the scope coming toward him, whispered, "You're just an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill."

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