Supposedly one can mitigate the effects of heartburn, GERD, etcetera by deep abdominal breathing. I'm sure you, as a yoga practitioner, were aware of this little tidbit but I'd never heard. So I'm sitting in my chair writing and trying to be conscious of the inward and outward protrusion of my belly. When I do this breathing I feel a pleasant downward pulling sensation in the points of both shoulders, as if something is stretching out. Interesting.
Glad you finished your stuff. That's got to be a great feeling. Anytime the words come out and get their asses on the page things feel better. As for my weekend, well, Little Champ was sick and so you know how that went. Time off work = time with Little Champ and I'm never sure which one is more of a grind. Little Champ is a lot more fun, though. He fell asleep one and woke up with two devil-horns of hair curling up from the backside of his capacious head. I called him "Little Devilish" and held him in a kind of bear hug until he squealed at me to let him go. Repeat that scene about 200 times and you have my weekend. Deeply mindless, exhausting and very good.
Sorry you feel that way about the anonymity of the program! No ReCoRoCo? That would be very sad indeed. It would be funny. I suppose I'll have to wait to get your take on anonymity, when you figure out what it is that's bothering you (and I understand waiting to articulate a feeling, believe me!).
I'm closing this account!
14 years ago
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