Left the office early today with one of the project managers and we went to see Beowulf in IMAX 3D. Pretty amazing. Angelina Jolie is officially back on my lust list. Was she ever off? Well, I didn't kick her off, but she'd been bumped by other babes. My grip list is like a stack on an operating system. As I put chicks on the stack, everything moves down. It's a LIFO (Last In First Out) system, so only in times of drought do those old grip chicks bubble to the top.
I have girls in there from the 80s, I swear. The other day I gripped to Joan Severance...and if I were locked away in a prison cell with nothing but four stony walls for company, I would eventually grip my way down to a grayscale Mary Tyler Moore from the Dick Van Dyke Show. My god, that woman...I challenge you to find me a woman more resplendent than the young MTM (I think she just moved up the stack).
The cold is killing me. One half of my tongue is swollen. My head feels all dry and hollow. When I chew I can feel the contours of my ear canals shifting around above the two masticating plates of my jaws. I find myself choking on my own drainage, unable to speak. And these Indian dudes won't leave me alone.
I'm closing this account!
14 years ago
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