Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Re-Writer's Block

Just back from Disney. Took the 14-month-old son to the Magic Kingdom where he gaped at Disney characters, talking birds, singing bears, and rode as many rides as would let him on.

To me it was a bunch of cheap, contrived entertainment but to him, I'm sure (although he can't talk to let me know) it was magical. Needless to say I still haven't done any writing. The rough draft is just sitting there, staring back at me. I can't do anything with it. I know, I need to read it and get myself involved in the scenes. More than anything, I need to read it. But I can't, or won't. I don't know. It's just sitting there, and I'm sitting here. I think I have re-writer's block. Even my hands (I swear) feel all gummy and unresponsive. The word count is slow. The keys feel unusually far apart and only seem to click down under extreme pressure.

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