Friday, September 7, 2007

Fri 9/7/07 - 1,378 words


That's my thousand words plus a little bonus to make up for yesterday's terrible indiscretion.

I like it... I like it...

So everything's working great until I figure out the next psychological monster that will prevent me from getting words on the page. I imagine next time it will be a big purple dinosaur... bouncing up and down to the music, flapping its arms at me, singing a song about how fucked up my writing is and how I should go out to the playground and buy some crack from him...

Barney, the anti-muse...

Celebrity Death Match - Barney the anti-muse vs. Miss Bitch Barista... Let the Romper Room music begin... Miss Bitch Barista opens with a scalding demi cup of espresso, a double, faking a right and then launching the espresso into Barney's eye... Barney screams, singing a quick song about being kind, turning around and dropping the Barista Bitch with a spinning back kick. She's down, reaching for the plastic jug of 2% soy... Barney pulls out his AK-47... the kids stop dancing and run for cover... Barney screams "I love you... You love me... Say hello to my leetle friend, you fucking mocha java sumatra kona latte gift card bare-ass barista!

God... help me.... help me....

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