Friday, August 24, 2007

Fri 8/24 - 1,509 Words

Yee haw...

Interesting today... I hit a convenient stopping point, pulled the word count, and was only at about nine-hundred. So I jumped back in, started another scene I wasn't going to start until tomorrow, and suddenly took off, ending up with 1,500... I like when shit like that happens.

Yes, Bill, I find most of your perils amusing, mostly because there is so much with which I can relate... but at the same time I feel the need, as fellow writer, friend, salad bar muncher, to make sure you're not dropping off the deep end. I fully expect you to do the same for me, and I fully expect to reach a point down the road where I will share within these blogs my utter despair, ready to give up.
We'll be there for each other, bud... That's what this is all about... (and I'm having a lot of fun, too...)

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