Thursday, August 23, 2007


Never had tears. Like to have tears someday. I have a fairly good handle on what I need to do for the story, methinks I do. Looks like I just have to push through it. I like Cleaver's stripped-down advice for analysis and re-write.

Conflict, action, resolution. Want, problem, action in direct reaction against the problem, problem acts directly against the character, etc until resolution. When something is wrong, go to the conflict. I think he's right about that and I thank you again for your support.

Just thinking about the way we are viewed by the outside world. Not saying you're screwed up or anything, because the Wiping Tears post made me jealous. I *wished* I was you, Steve. But someone not of our persuasion (my wife for instance) might read that post and think, "You dropped your boy off for kindergarten, wouldn't that be the event in your day that triggered tears?"

But no. Not in this forum my friend. In this forum we are free to be honest about what it's like to go through life as a writer. And it ain't no joke! Not saying I'd trade one day of really spectacular writing for a precious memory of time w/my son, but I'd think about it, I really would.

So here's a little game. Let's say you can trade the memories of your children (their first wobbling bicycle ride, first tooth, first steps, whatever) for the experience (just the experience, not the fame or fortune) of writing one of your favorite stories.

What would it take? Would I trade my son's first steps for Clean, Well-Lit Place? Probably not. But I might for Big Two-Hearted River or Gatsby. Okay, screw it. For Gatsby I'd do it. Not for anything Faulkner, though. I'll take my son over Faulkner. That shit might be good to read but it never looked like any fun to write.

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