Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Hey.. I assume that 1700+ number with your John Updike post means that you cranked out that many words today... Way to go!

And I'm proud to have come pretty close on that book prediction. Funny stuff. And by the way... I wouldn't have waited to put it back on the shelf... I probably would have wiped the roach guts off on my shorts.

Been cranking through my re-read of Immediate Fiction in the late evenings... loving reading through it again, this time taking time to really digest the plot stuff... we'll have to sit and compare notes. I plan to go through and make notes of all my highlights to create a bullet list for rewrites... If I get my shit together on that I'll send you a copy.

Okay... jumping out to try to see if I can knock out some novel words before bedtime... I want to finish it so badly...

I don't want to do that with this book. I need to add the scenes that need to be added, go back and flesh out the description I've left out... fill in the holes, sand each layer with the finest grain, and coat it all with a gentle lacquer... buff it until it shines and sparkles...

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